Passive network infrastructure
The passive network infrastructure is the base of every IT system as well as the most important part of every network with
regard to security and reliability.

The passive network infrastructure is a cable network system of multiple functions designed for the world of computers, multimedia and phones.
Every network infrastructure has to provide high quality reflected in the standard of working features, reliability and simple maintenance.
The network flexibility has to enable ongoing operations and easy upgrade. A special highlight in the offer of New Tech systems is the structural cabling,
i.e. network system set up as a unique system or a unit of connected systems, which can be upgraded in every segment.
New Tech systems offers solutions and technologies to build passive network infrastructures:

LAN (Local Area Network)
It is used to build local networks of small, medium and large customers.

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
Networks in urban city areas connected by a DTK infrastructure.

WAN (Wide Area Network)
Geographically large areas connected by MANs via optical fiber networks.
WHY New Tech systems?
Taking into account valid standards, customer's requirements and the proper dimensioning of the network infrastructure, New Tech systems assures to support all technological solutions in the next period of 10-15 years. Measurements to prove that all requirements are met according to the valid standards are carried out after the network has been built. That is the assurance of quality and reliability of the system in the lifecycle of the network.
Core networks
Core networks are the essence of each network solution and therefore the base to provide network and application services.
Core networks enable fast and efficient directing of IP traffic to the end user and are therefore the unique solution for the transfer of data, sound, video and management signals
New Tech Systems the following solutions:
Office networking
Network security (firewall)
Connecting between distant locations and the central office is a protected VPN by using public network (Internet) - IPSec VPN
Office networking
Design and implementation of MPLS of core networks